Methanabol 50mg - Methandienone - British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
British Dragon Pharma

Methanabol 50mg

Oral Steroid for Muscle Growth
Pharmaceutical name: Methandienone
Brand: British Dragon
50 Tablets (50 mg/tab)
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Methanabol 50mg Detailed

Methanabol 50 Tablets for Muscle Growth by British Dragon

Active life: 3.2-4.5 Hours.

Dosage: Adult dose is 20 mg per day orally.

Liver toxicity: Yes.

Aromatization rate: High.

Active substance: Methandienone 50 mg in tablet form.

Product description: .

Possible side effects: .

Methanabol 50 Tablets trade names: Methanabol, Trinergic, Encephan, Restauvit, Andoredan, D-bol, Lanabolin, Nerobol, Danabol DS, Methanoplex, GP Methan, Dianabol, Anabol, Dianabolos, Metaboline, Pronabol, Perbolin, Methanodex, Methandienone, Metabolina, Naposim, Metandiabol, Stenolon, Metastenol, Methandrostenolone, Methafurin, Metandienone, Dianabolic, Dianoxyl, Nabolin, Dbol, Metanabol, Danabol, Dbirol, Methacaps, Nerobil.

Oral Steroid for Muscle Growth. Store Methanabol 50 Tablets at 20°C-25°C (68°F-77°F). Protect from light. Keep away from children.

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