Oral Steroid for Muscle Growth
Pharmaceutical name: Methandienone
Brand: BodyPharm
10 mL Sterile Multi-dose Vial (50 mg/mL)
Active life: 6-8 Hours.
Dosage: Adult dose is 50 mg to 100 mg intramuscular injection per day.
Liver toxicity: High.
Aromatization rate: High.
Active substance: Methandienone (50 mg/tab) in tablet form.
Product description:
Methan-Inject trade names: Naposim, Nerobol, Anabol, Methanoplex, Methanabol, Dianabol, Dianoxyl, Methandienone, Dianabolic, Pronabol, Encephan, Dbirol, Lanabolin, Dianabolos, D-bol, Metandienone, Danabol, Metaboline, Andoredan, Methafurin, Perbolin, Methacaps, Methanodex, Dbol, Methandrostenolone, Stenolon, GP Methan, Nerobil, Metandiabol, Metastenol, Metanabol, Trinergic, Metabolina, Restauvit, Nabolin, Danabol DS.
Synthetic anabolic steroidal agent. Store Methan-Inject at room temperature. Protect from light. Keep away from children.
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Jan 11, 2018 (11:13)
Ive been using this compound for about 3 weeks. Normally I wait even longer to write but there isn't any need here. I've gained 12lbs in a place where I plateaud and nothing seemed to help put on more weight. Strength is up, not a super ton but I all ready was at my very best numbers before this and still added at least 10-25 pounds to each excersize. This stuff gives me great drive in the gym and the pumps are also nice. This is some of the very best D-Bol I've ever used period. Keep in mind I'm only past 3 weeks here so I figure more of all that to come. Now for sides, I highly reccomend an ancillary of some kind. Gyno hits me hard with androgens and this is the worst I've had yet. Other than that all other sides are present just low levels.