Thyroxyl (T3) - Liothyronine Sodium - Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Weight Loss

Thyroxyl (T3)

Active substance: Liothyronine Sodium
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Unit: 100 tabs (25 mcg/tab)
Out of stock

Thyroxyl (T3) Detailed

Thyroxyl (T3) Reviews
Jan 25, 2018 (11:50)

I gave this T3 to a girl with has a hypothyroid who takes USP pharma grade T3 daily. I have yet to hear any negative feedback from her regarding weight gain, energy, ect...
I would have to say that if they were in fact under dosed or bunk that she would have told me ASAP and quit using the products and switched back to her script. Therefore, I believe that these tabs are G2G!

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