GP MHN- Methylhydroxynandrolone from Geneza Pharmaceuticals represents an oral steroid derived from the anabolic steroid nandrolone. The difference is that, it has been c-17alpha alkylated (methylated), a modification that allows this steroid to be orally active and an additional hydroxyl group has been added at its 4 position, similar to hydroxytestosterone. Together these two alterations have created a potent orally active and non-aromatizable anabolic steroid, with a profile somewhat similar to that of Winstrol or Anavar - a primarily anabolic agent with no discernable estrogenic activity. Although this steroid is a nandrolone derivative, it acts quite differently from its chemical parent. For starters, while nandrolone is a relatively mild steroid, GP MHN is an exceedingly potent synthetic agent.
Methylhydroxynandrolone is 13 times more potent than methyltestosterone, which makes GP MHN stronger than any prescription steroid known currently. GP MHN is also quite potent as an androgen, behaving more like trenbolone than nandrolone in this regard. The relative androgenicity of this steroid is likely intensified by its 4-hydroxyl group, a modification that prevents its 5-alpha reduction to weaker "dihydro" metabolites in the skin, scalp and prostate. GP MHN cannot interact with the reductase enzyme; therefore, it retains its original level of potency in these same tissues. This steroid is still technically more of an "anabolic" than an "androgen", but it is definitely not the mild nandrolone users are familiar with.
Users of GP MHNwould typically experience increases in lean mass as well as moderate strength gains. The increased nitrogen retention makes the body a more anabolic environment. The user should be able to sleep less and still feel refreshed upon waking. Less time is needed for recovery between sets and workouts. There should be no decrease in sex drive, and should help with joint pain. There have been noticed Increases in the ability to lose fat while increasing vascularity.
Due to its displaying such a high level of milligram for milligram potency, the typical effective daily dosage for men is going to be comparatively much lower than one would expect with other agents. Thus methylhydroxynandrolone users will likely be working in the range of only 2-5mg per day. At this level GP MHN should provide very solid gains in muscle mass and strength, with no water retention or increased fat deposition. If anything the user is likely to lose body fat at the same time, one of the reasons why athletes will often spend the extra money on an anabolic like GP Stan 10, instead of simply taking cheap testosterone or GP Methan 10.
GP MHN is versatile for stacking, and mixes well with most other anabolics (for cutting) or androgenic (for bulking phases). Women should probably stay away from this steroid altogether, and instead opt for an agent known to be less androgenic (and friendlier to women). Something like Primobolan, Winstrol or Anavar would be a much better choice than GP MHN, with less chance for permanent masculine side effects.
The side effects of this compound have shown to be very mild with few side effects. Like all steroid hormones it may cause acne, accelerated male pattern baldness, gynecomastia, testicle shrinkage, increased facial and body hair in men, as well as voice deepening and clitoral enlargement in females. However, this product has typically shown to be on the low end of such side effects.
At our online steroid pharmacy GP MHN from Geneza Pharmaceuticals is available in packs of 50 tabs, each tab containing 5mg of Methylhydroxynandrolone substance. You can buy GP MHN very cheap at at a discounted price. We offer our clients fast delivery, good prices and the important thing is that one doesn't need prior prescription to order from us.
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May 3, 2012 (12:10)
Received package well wrapped came 1weeek earlier. Will post results when finish