SP Trenbolone Mix 150 - Trenbolone Acetate,Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate,Trenbolone Enanthate - SP Laboratories
SP Labs

SP Trenbolone Mix 150

Injectable Steroid for Muscle Growth
Mix of:
- 50mg Trenbolone Acetate
- 50mg Trenbolone Enanthate
- 50mg Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Brand: SP Laboratories
10 mL Sterile Multi-dose Vial (150 mg/mL)
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SP Trenbolone Mix 150 Detailed

Trenbolone Blend for Muscle Growth by SP Laboratories

Active life: 8 Days.

Dosage: Adult dose is 50-150mg intramuscular injection per day.

Liver toxicity: Low.

Aromatization rate: High.

Active substances: Trenbolone Acetate (50 mg/mL), Trenbolone Enanthate (50 mg/mL), Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (50 mg/mL) in oily solution.

Possible side effects: Insomnia, high blood pressure, increased aggression and libido, women will suffer virilization effects even at small doses.

SP Trenbolone Mix 150 trade names: Trenodex, Trenacet, Trenoid, Trenatrex, Tren, Fina, Trebol, Trenbol, Para, Trenabol, Trenaplex, Tren Acne, Finarex Depot, TrenaJect, Tritren, Trenboxyl, Trinaxyl, Tranabol.

trenbolone blend vials

Pharmaceutical Grade-Supplement. Store SP Trenbolone Mix 150 at room temperature. Keep out of direct sunlight.

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