Active life: 15 Days.
Dosage: Adult dose is 50-100mg intramuscular injection per week.
Liver toxicity: None.
Aromatization rate: Low.
Active substance: Nandrolone Decanoate (250 mg/mL) in oily solution.
Inctive substance: 2% Benzyl Alcohol, Arachis Oil.
Product description: Decabol 250 (also sold under the trademarks Deca Durabolin and Retabolil, chemical name - 19-nortestosterone) - anabolic steroid, which is present in the blood of every human being as a natural component in small amounts. Nandrolone is most commonly sold in the form of shaped decanoate, than in the form phenylpropionate.
Structurally nandrolone differs from testosterone in the absence of carbon 19th position (hence the name 19-nortestosterone), and this makes it more similar to progestins. Due to its progestin nature, Nandrolone exhibits significantly less androgenic activity in comparison with testosterone, but the interaction with the progesterone receptor entails a number of side effects.
Another difference is that the testosterone in the body is gradually converted by the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase in potent androgen - dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for most of the development of side effects. Nandrolone, on the contrary turns 5-alpha reductase in a very weak androgen - dihydronandrolone virtually has no effect on the body and does not cause side effects. However, this may be one reason for the libido decrease during the cycle (due to falling of blood androgen level).
As a result of low androgenic activity, side effects such as acne, alopecia, hair growth hardly occur. Nevertheless, they may, as in the use of any steroid, but in the case of Nandrolone it occurs only when exceeding the recommended doses of several times.
Under the beginning and end of cycle use the first and last injection of nandrolone. Nandrolone cycle usually lasts 8-10 weeks. Nandrolone injections are made 1 time per week. Considering the activity period - 15 days, there is no need to do 2 Nandrolone injections per week. Nandrolone recommended dose is 400 mg per week. The maximum of 600 mg per week, but with increasing the dose it increases the risk of side effects. You can get great results if you do 2 cycles with breaks in reasonable doses, rather than one large dose. Do not make the cycle longer than 8 weeks without any drugs. At long cycle you must use human chorionic gonadotropin (effective from 4-5 weeks of the cycle, gonadotropin injections are carried out 2 times a week for 500 IU).
After the cycle (if not applied) gonadotropin is administered by standard procedure of PCT. To eliminate the activity of progesterone it is necessary to include Bromocriptine (Parlodel Tabs), as well, since the second and ending in 2-3 weeks after the final injection of nandrolone. Accepted at 1.25 mg twice a day. Instead of Bromocriptine is preferable to use a more modern drug - Cabergoline at 0.25 mg every fourth day throughout the cycle, and after 2-3 weeks. In addition, for the restoration of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes axis, athletes should take Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) from the beginning of the last week of the cycle and ends 2-4 weeks after it, at 50-100 mg with gradual withdrawal. Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) is not recommended because it increases sensitivity and expands the population of progesterone receptors.
You can include Winstrol at the second and the last week for the suppression of prolactin and reducing progestin activity. Instead of gonadotropin, testosterone boosters can be used, but this is less efficient. For maximum effect, take a complex of sports nutrition for muscle mass set and follow a diet for a set of muscle mass. Nandrolone cycle must be agreed with a specialist. Combined Nandrolone cycles: It should be noted that the solo Nandrolone cycle has many disadvantages, such as loss of libido, slow activity, the suppression of natural testosterone, etc. These disadvantages can be eliminated if you add in the cycle androgenic drugs. Nandrolone is well stacked with the following drugs: Winstrol - very well stacked with this drug, as has anti-progesterone activity (prevents the development of Deca-Dick, increases libido, reduces the risk of gynecomastia, etc.). Testosterone - for the mass of the set. Typically used 200-400 mg of Nandrolone 1 time per week and 250 mg 1 time per week of testosterone. Sustanon - for a set of masses, with 200-400 mg of Nandrolone 1 time per week and 250 mg 1 time per week of Sustanon. Methandrostenolone - for a set of masses, with 200-400 mg of Nandrolone 1 time per week and 10-20 mg of methandrostenolone every day.
Possible side effects: Increased or decreased libido. Men - phallic enlargement, increased frequency of erections, inhibition of testicular function, testicular atrophy, oligospermia, impotence, chronic priapism, epididymitis, bladder irritability. Women - clitoral enlargement, menstrual irregularities.
Decabol 250 trade names: Zebol, Durabolin, Synobol, Decabolic, Axidrol, Decaver, Nandrobolin, Pylodec, Growdeca, Cheribol, Nandronit D, Myobolin, Decatrex, Decaplex, Nandrodex, Durobolic, NPP, Newdec, Nandrolona, Nandrolone, Grodec, Deca, Decabol, Nandroxyl, Therabol, Gemdec, Deca-Durabolin, Nitrobol, Duraxyl, Decos, Durabol, Deca-Duralin.
Pharmaceutical Grade-Supplement For Intramuscular Use Only. Store Decabol 250 at 20°C-25°C (68°F-77°F). Protect from light. Keep away from children.
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