Primobol 100 - Methenolone Enanthate - British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
British Dragon Pharma

Primobol 100

160.00 USD

Injectable Steroid for Muscle Growth
Pharmaceutical name: Methenolone Enanthate
Brand: British Dragon
10 mL Sterile Multi-dose Vial (100 mg/mL)

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Primobol 100 Detailed

Primobol 100 for Muscle Growth by British Dragon

Active life: 14-16 Days.

Dosage: Adult man dose is 200-400mg intramuscular injection per week. Adult woman dose is 50-100mg intramuscular injection per week.

Liver toxicity: Low.

Aromatization rate: None.

Active substance: Methenolone Enanthate (100 mg/mL) in oily solution.

Product description: Primobol 100 - mild anabolic steroid. In the beginning, Methenolone Acetate was produced in the form of injections, but later became available in tablet form. Androgenic activity of this steroid is very low, as its anabolic activity. From it one can not expect a big weight gain. During the off-season is better to use a more active drugs, as Primobol 100 leave to precompetitive preparation.

Also, this drug is best to use those who are afraid of side effects. Primobol 100 - with it's not 17-alpha alkylated, therefore it is not hepatotoxic. Unfortunately, alkylation with 1 - it does not protect the right degree of destruction, so it will have to use a slightly higher dose than other steroids. Primobol 100 also not aromatize, so there is no risk of estrogenic side effects. This is very useful for competing athletes, as Primobol 100 does not cause the accumulation of water and fat. Also, there is no risk of gynecomastia.

At therapeutic doses, Primobol 100 does not cause suppression of testosterone, but that is not HYIP for athletes who use much larger doses. After the cycle or during cycle is needed to use injections of gonadotropin. It may be noted that Primobol 100 has low levels of androgenic activity, although at relatively high dosages may show side effects as acne and greasy skin.

Women and athletes may find that this steroid is best for their experiments. The daily dosage for men - 75-150mg. It is best to use Primobol 100 in stack with other medications, such as non-aromatizing androgen such as Trenbolone or Halotest to produce more high-quality mass. If you use it in stack with Methandrostenolone or Oxymetholone, weight gain will be big enough, but it will be somewhat watery mass. Among women, Primobol 100 is one of the most widely used drugs. Dosage it in this case - 50-75mg per day. It can also be combined with Oxandrolone or Stanozolol. However, women should not abuse it, in high dosage it can cause virilization.

Primobol 100 trade names: Primobolan Depot, Primabolan, Primodex, Primobolan, Primotrex, Alphabolin, Primobol, Primobolic, Primo, Primotest, Primoplex, Primoxyl.

Pharmaceutical Grade-Supplement For Intramuscular Use Only. Store Primobol 100 at 20°C-25°C (68°F-77°F). Protect from light. Keep away from children.

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